Closing your account

If you’d like to close your account then you may be able to do this online.

You can use this form if:

1. You have a sole account; and,
2. You have a single nationality; and,
3. Your share dealing accounts are either empty, contain just cash, or have less than £250 in stock.

Please note: if you have more than £250 in stock then once your investments have been sold, you can use this form to close your account; and,

4. You have not updated your nominated bank details in the last 12 months (this does not include updating your debit card).

Once this form is submitted, we will close all IWeb Share Dealing Accounts and ISAs associated with your Personal Reference Number (PRN). We will confirm by email once your account is closed which may take up to 90 days and you may continue to receive statements during this time.

If you hold dual nationality, have more than £250 in stock or want to close a SIPP, then please call us on 03450 707 129 to close your account. Our opening times are 8am to 9pm, Monday to Friday.

Important details at a glance

  • Any investments up to the value of £250 will be sold in fair and due turn at the best price available for an order of that size. A reduced commission of £3.50 per stock will be charged on the sale. The £3.50 reduced commission charge for low value stock sales will be available until 31st March 2022.
  • All money held in the account (less any admin fees owed) will be withdrawn to the bank details we have on file so please make sure these are up-to-date. Please note: any money withdrawn from your ISA cannot be replaced without counting towards the annual subscription limit.
  • We will also cancel any regular investments and arrange for any pending dividends to be sent to your bank account.
  • If you have any de-listed stocks or stocks worth less than £3.50 in your account then we will gift these to charity once your account is closed.
This should match your passport
If you have dual nationality then please call us on 03450 707 129 to close your account.
This is the national identifier which matches your nationality. For example, for the UK it would be National Insurance (NI) number.
Please enter your mobile phone number. If you don’t have a mobile then please use your landline number.
Submit form

Please note:
 You may still receive emails from us while your account is being closed. Once your account closure is complete you will receive a confirmation email.